23 MAY 1998, Page 27

. . . so everything must go

NOW, on to lot three, the finest surviving example of an English vintage car maker, no, hang on, I'll rephrase that, anyway, on the market by order of Vickers, what am I bid for Rolls-Royce? We should need to see the owners' club's certified cheque, Mr Shrimpton. Now, Mr Pichetsreider, do I hear £340 million from BMW? Against you at Volkswagen — oh, £430 million, thank you . . Now, while Mr Pichetsreider thinks about that, we have time for lot four, a late entry, a collector's item, really. This is a fine old English gentlemanly auction house, established 1766, sold the Walpole pictures to Catherine the Great — now who'll start me off? Mr Pinault from Paris? What? £721 million for Christie's — I say, hang on a moment, that's us, an offer at that price will trigger my share options, I can slip off to the West Indies with that nice little girl in Old Master drawings, or even retire. Well, ladies and gentlemen, that's a fitting climax to the Albion Castle clearance sale — are we all done? Allant, allant,