The French Liberals have altered their tone respecting the in-
terference of their Government in the affairs of Spain. A short time ago, they were eager for the despatch of an army to support the Queen and suppress the Carlists. But they have since dis- covered, that the support of the Queen may be a very different affair from the establishment of a Liberal government ; and have a reasonable dread that French arms, if used at all, would be for thebenefit of Absolutism, or at least, what they abominate nearly as much, the system of the Juste Milieu. Now, therefore, they would prefer to assist the Queen with a loan of money ; which would probably answer her Majesty's purpose much better than an auxiliary army of Frenchmen. According to present appearances, Louis PHILIP will do neither one nor the other. The Paris news- papers, and the correspondents of the London journals resident there, give us abundance of Spanish news, or rather rumours, but yield no intelligence of interest respecting French affairs.