WAR-OFFICE, Nov. 22.-5th Regt. of Foot—gent. Cadet F. Pyner. from the Royal Military College, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Beamish, appointed to the 19th Foot. 9th Foot—Lieut. W. II. Hill to be Captain, without purchase, vice Evans, de- ceased ; Ensign F. Lushington to be Lieut. vice Hill ; Edmund E. F. Hartman, Gent. to be Ensign, vice Imshington. 19th Foot—Ensign S. G. Beamish, from the 5th Foot, to be Ensign, without purchase. 45th Foot—Captaiu F. 0. Montgomery, from half- pay Unattached, to be Captain, vie' F. C. Elthart, who exchanges. Gist Foot—Licut. J. R. latmert, from the ;0t1; Foot, to he Lieut. vice Irving,. who exchanges. 66th Foot —Lieut. G. Maxwell, from the 241 West India Ilegt. to be Licut. vice F. Taylor, who retires upon half pay 4Gth Foot. 70th Foot—Lient. E. Irvin", from the 61st Foot, to be Lieut. vice Lamert, s Ito exchanges. 54th Foot—Lieut. F. J. T. Hutchinson, to be Adjutant, vice A. Ansel'. promoted. 76th Foot--L. M. Jones, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Murray, who retires. 1st West India Regt.—Lient. J. Delomel to be Captain, without purchase, vice Keogh, deceased ; Ensign 3. F. Grant to be Lieut. vice Delomel ; Ensign L. S. Demay. from half-pay Unattached, to be Ensign, vice Grant. 2d West India Regt.—Licut. J. Wood, from half-pay 461.11 Foot, to be' Lieut. vice Maxwell, appointed to the 66th Foot; En- sign A. Edgar to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Hunter, whose promotion has nut taken place.
Memorandum—The halfipay of the under-mentioned officers has been cancelled from the 22d instant, inclusive, upon their receiving commuted allowances fin their commis- sions—Lieut. IL Barnett, half-pay 621 Foot ; Ensign A. S. Bateman, half-pay 44th Foot Ensign J. C. Lett, half-pay Royal African Corps; Capt. M. De Foster, half-pay Brunswick hussars; Ensign W. Crossley, half-pay 38th Foot; HospitaltAssist. T. • Pearson, half-pay. The under-reentioued officers have also been allowed to retire from the service, re- ceiving commuted allowances for their commissions—Lieut. H. WFadden, of the 88th Foot; Staff-Assist.-Surg. P. O'Reilly. of theIlospital-Staff. •