SATURDAY cm% The Mbiirid Gazette of the instant contains an ofO‘cial decree, avhich declares that the Queen Regent, being justly diFe'atisfied with the conduct of Don MIGCEL- in countenancing the pretc ions of Don CARLO*to the throne of Spain, has resolved to .break-dl; all diplomatic relations with him ; and that she is exerting herself, in 'ioncert with the King of Great Britain, to bring about a reconciliation between the con- tending parties in Portugal. This is the only officird acknowledgment of Donna Mama that has appeared ; and it cannot be deemed a formal recognition. The account,• therefore, which we copied some weeks since from our Ministerial journals, to the effect that the recognition had actually taken place, was premature. It is said to be in conse- quence of the active exertions of our new Minister, Mr. VILLIERS, that the Spanish Government has even gone so cur as to publish the decree above alluded to. The Times Madrid correspondent says, that this "successful negotiation, in the very outset of his diplomatic function, tells greatly in favour of Mr. VILLIERS, and bolds out a fair promise not only to Portugal, but to the whole of the Peninsula." It is again reported, but not on very good authority, that &amts. YIELD has left Burgos, and is on the road to Vittoria. The Carlists ace also said to have evacuated Inn'. These marches and counter- marches, evacuations and occupations of different posts, are charac- teristic of the desultory, undisciplined warfare now carrying on in the North of Spain; and give us very little idea, even if they are correctly eeported, of the comparative strength of the contending parties.