efir Court.
TILE King held a Court on Monday afternoon, at the Palace at Brighton ; which was attended by -Earl Grey, the Marquis of Lans- downe, the Earl of Ripon, Viscounts Melbourne and Palmerston, Mr. Stanley, Lord John Russell, • Lord Albemarle, Sir William Alexander, and the Earl of Belfast. After the-Council, the Cabinet Ministers and the members of the Household dined with their Majesties.
Baron Ompteda, the Hanoverian Minister, arrived at Brighton, and had an audience of the King on Monday.
Earl Grey spent Tuesday at the Palace, and returned to town the next day.
The uncertain state of the weather has prevented both their Majes- ties, during the greater part of the week, from taking their usual rides.
The King occasionally sits for his picture to Sir Martin Archer Shee.
The regulations at the Palace in every department are observed with the most scrupulous attention. All persons calling on or visiting the domestics, are required to give their names ; which are inserted in a book kept for the purpose ; and every article received is duly registered.
Captain Ross and his nephew had an interview with the Dutchess of Kent and the Princess Victoria, at Kensington, on Thursday. The Duke of Gloucester has left town for Ickworth Lodge, near` Bury, on a visit to the Marquis of Bristol.