The Urgent. Goodwin, from China to Liverpool, went on shore near Caernarvon,. the 17th instant, and remains; crew saved. AaaivEn- At Gravesend. 19th instant. Gilmore. Maw, from Port Phillip; 21st, May. Ann, Jacques, from Madras; and Orient, Wales, from Mauritimi. In the Downs, 26114. Helen Stewart, Whittingham, from China; Herald, Bolton, from Singapore; Nadu's.. Smith. from Madras; aud Arrow. Walker, from Zanzibar. Off Hastings. 2bst, Pauline Houghton, Halsey, from Mauritius. Off Torbay. 19th, Achillem, Vests; and Ganger, M' Donald. from Sydney. At Liverpool, 16th, Superior, Bell, from Singapore; Pero- ciao, Black; and Kilblain. Shaw, from Calcutta; 17th, Agneda, Jeffrey, from Bombay; 18th, Patriot Queen. Adamsou. from Calcutta; 19th, Mischief, KIllock, from Ma- nn la 20th, Tamerlane, M'Kenzie, from Calcutta; and 21st, Pilgrim. Rawlings, from. Calcutta- At St. Helena, previous to 10th Oct. Edward Boustead, Arnold; and Sove- reign. Main, from China; Brooksby, Thompson; and Arab, Nickells, from Manilla; Canada, Edgar; and Borneo, Hogg. from Calcutta ; Orator, Chester; aud John Gra- ham, -, from Ceylon; Osprey, Kirk; and Caledonia, Stevenson, from Bombay. At the Cape, 4th Sept. Bleng, Stewart, from Liverpool ; 19th, Edward Robinson. Dmg, from China; and 21st, G. H. Harrison, Reed, from Singapore. At Calcutta, 171 Sept. North Britain, Fyall, from London. At Hobart Town, 9th July. London, wood, from ditto. At Lauucesten, ditto, Agostina, Volum, from ditto. At Sydney, 14th ditto, Lloyds, Lewis, from ditto. SAILED-From Gravesend, 17th instant, Rookery. Greig, for Bombay. From Liver- pool, 18th, Penrith, Guillet, for Bombay; 19th, Hesperus, Kelly, for Victoria; and Balfour, Overend, for Bombay. Kerueray Moataxii.-Ainuven.-At Cewes, 224 instant, Fyen, Harboe. from Ma- nilla. Off Swanage, H. R. Patel, Limn, from Batavia. Off Si. Alban's Head, MVP, beth, Morris. from Calcutta.