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THE life of the Court at Windsor Castle has been quiet this week ; but it has been agreeably diversified by the arrival of Prince Albert's nearest relatives, the reigning Duke and Dutchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, with Prince Ernest of Wurtemburg; who came on Wednesday, by way of Dover and the Eastern Counties Railway, from Ostend. Their Royal Highnesses were received at the portico of the Castle by the Queen and Prince Albert. Their suite consisted of the Baroness Wangenheim, Baron Alvensden, and Captain Vyner.
In the same afternoon, the whole party walked in the pleasure- grounds ; the Dutchess of Kent joining the circle at dinner, as usual. Thursday was the Princess Royal's birthday ; and her Royal High- ness was saluted in the morning by music played on the Terrace. The Dutchess of Kent came early in the morning, to offer her congratu- lations.
In the forenoon, the Queen and Prince Albert went with their guests to Frogmore, to pay their compliments to the Dutchess of Kent. The Queen and the Dutchess of Saxe-Coburg rode in a pony-phaeton ; the three Princes walked; but all returned to the Castle in pony-phaetons. In the afternoon, the party again took an airing in phaetons. Prince Albert went out shooting on Monday, with Lord Glenlyon • and Sir James Graham, who had both arrived at the Castle for a day's visit. The Prince also enjoyed the sport on Tuesday ; and again
• yesterday, with the Duke and Prince Ernest.
- The Earl of Aberdeen arrived as a visiter on Thursday ; the Marquis of Granby yesterday. The Dutchess of Cambridge and the Hereditary Grand Dutchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz visited the Dutchess of Gloucester on Saturday. On the same evening, they were present, with the Duke of Cambridge, at a select dinner-party given by the Dutchess of Inverness. The Duke and the two ladies left Kew on Monday, for Arundel Castle, on a visit to the Duke and Dutchess of Norfolk. The Hereditary Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz arrived at Kew, from the Continent, on Monday , evening, and followed his relatives into Sussex. He returned to Kew on Thursday evening, with the two Dutchesses.