1asfriz. — The Austrian fleet has been brought up to its highest
strength, and its active squadron consists of 50 vessels, of which 31 are steamers and 16 sailing vessels. In the former category there are some fast screw line-of-battle ships ; among others the Kaiser, 91 guns ; the Radetzky, Danube, and Adria frigates, of 31 guns ; the Archduke Frederick, the Dandolo, and Elizabeth of 22 guns ; and 10 first-class gun-boats, armed with 5 rifled cannon each, and provided with engines of 230-horse power. The crews are chiefly Slays, Dalmatians, and Germans. Ten iron-plated vessels are being built, and six sailing vessels converted into steamers.
The Transylvanians have refused to send members to their local diet, affirming their intention to remain united to Hungary, but the political situation is otherwise unaltered.