On the 3rd inst., at Bert Rouse, county Kildare, the residence of General Lord Downes, the lion. Mrs. Colborne, of a daughter.
On the 15th inst., at Veitch's Hotel, 120, Ucorge-street, Edinburgh, the wife of the Hon. George Frederick Boyle, of a daughter.
DEATHS. On Wednesday, the 13th inst., at Florence, Arthur Hugh Clough, aged 42. On the 13th inst., at South House, Lancing, Sussex, after a long and painful illness, Thomas Slingsby Duncombe, Esq., M.P., in the 66th year of his age.
On the 14th lust, at Lyndhurst, Hants, Lieutenant-Geneml Sir James Holmes Schoedde, K.C.B., Colonel of the 55th Foot, aged 70. On the 14th inst., at 8, Clarges-street, after a short Illness, Lady Maria Saunder- eon, the beloved wife of Colonel H. B. Saunderson, and daughter of the late Earl of Carhampton, aged 61.