STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING. The demand for money continues on the same moderate scale as for the last few weeks, and the rate in the open market remains at 21 to per cent. At the Bank, only a limited business is doing, from regular customers. On the Stock Exchange, there is an abundant supply of unemployed capital, and loans on Government securities are offered at per cent., or even less.
The private advices from Paris state that M. Fould, the new Minister of Finance, has expressed his intention of not raising a loan, at least for thepresent. There is less pressure in the money market there, and the Bank of France rate was reduced yesterday from 6 to 5 per cent.
The funds have shown a firmer tendency this week, but the full rise has not been supported. Consols for money, which closed last Friday at 93/ to 94, advanced to 941, but are now quoted 931 to 94. For the account the last price is 924 to I ex dividend. The reduction in the Bank of France rate had little or no effect on the market, the change having been fully anticipated.
Other Government securities have been less steady, Exchequer bills especially showing another slight. reduction. India Five per Cents remain comparatively firm at 1061 to 1.
Foreign Stocks have been rather flat this week, the late improve- ment having been barely maintained. Spanish bonds, however, have been in some demand, but the certificates of the confiscated interest have fallen on a statement in an official journal that the Government do not intend to alter the present condition of affairs. Turkish Six per Cents have risen considerably, particularly the 1858 loan, but the advance has not been altogether maintained. Buenos Ayres, Peru- vian, and Venezuela Stocks have been rather inquired after, especially the two former.
The market for British Railway Stocks has shown little animation, but prices are fully supported, and in several cases an advance has taken place. Midland, and Lancashire and Yorkshire have been espe- cially firm. South Eastern remains with a heavy appearance.
Colonial descriptions have been well maintained, although a rise that at one period had been established in Grand Trunk and Great Western of Canada has been partially lost. Indian Guaranteed Stooks are steady'.
In the Foreign Market there has been less business doing, and the general tendency has been rather unfavourable, In Miscellaneous descriptions, a rise has taken place in Red Sea Telegraph and Crystal Palace. Joint-Stock Bank Shares have also beengn fair demand.
The imports of specie this week comprise the Ceylon, with about 120,00W., chiefly Australian gold, and some large amounts of silver from the Continent. The exports include 136,0771. to India and China, and 89504 to New York. About 35,0001. in gold was purchased by the Bank to-day. The vessel with the new India cable on board is expected to leave England in a month,