Days with Industrials. By A. H. Japp. (Trubner and Co.)—
Most people are never tired of hearing the story of some great
industry; the actual figures often possess a decided charm. Mr.
Japp discusses industries which are sure to interest, although they are not all the oldest and greatest of industries. Quinine, canaries, rice, pearls, amber, salt, Burton ale, the electric tele- graph, petroleum, railway-whistles, bedsteads, arsenic, and diamonds are industrials perhaps ; still, we looked for others besides. However, Mr. Japp discourses fluently on this motley collection, and makes a pleasant little volume. He quotes some interesting correspondence relating to the Pitt diamond. By- the-way, has Mr. Tapp anything to say about the fabulous diamond (or is it an opal ?) of 1,600 carats believed to exist in Portugal.