Burns : Selected Poems. Edited, with Introduction, Notes, and a
Glossary, by J. Logie Robertson, M.A. (Clarendon Press.)—In these days, when scraps of little or no value, often rejected by their writers, are raked up, we welcome so sensible a work as a judicious " Selection " from Burns. Of course, there are bigots who abhor the thought of excluding anything, and who will loudly condemn, in the case of the volume before us, the exclusion of " The Jolly Beggars" and "Holy Willie's Prayer ;" but common-sense will, we believe, justify what Mr. Robertson has done in this respect. The editor gives a life of the poet in his introduction ; he has care- fully corrected the text; notes have been added, and there is a highly useful index. If he does not satisfy the Burns idolaters, he will have earned the gratitude of more rational admirers.