An odd incident has interrupted the Ashantee expedition. Four black
persons were sent here some time since by the Chief of Coomassie to negotiate, but the Colonial Office refused to receive them. They were not Princes, it said, or Envoys either, and they had no powers. These persons have now offered on be- half of the Chief to accept the British terms, that is, to instal a Resident at Coomassie, and to pay the expenses incurred in pre- paring for war. Mr. Chamberlain, like his predecessor, doubts their authority ; but unwilling to lose any chance of peace, he has told them to return to Coomassie, and induce the Chief to send his submission to the Gold Coast in proper form. In the event of his doing so, the expedition will be arrested ; but meanwhile it will go on, and in any event the Resident will be accompanied to Coomassie by a protecting force. Mr. Chamberlain could not act otherwise ; but we hope, on the whole, that " King " Prempeh is treacherous. We owe Ashantee good government, and there will be no good government until the bloodthirsty dynasty is replaced by a British nominee.