Hunt!rs Three. By T. W. Knox. (Arnold.)—This is a very
circumstantial and vivid account of the life and adventures of a hunting expedition in South Africa. So far, it is like other narra- tives of hunting trips ; but it is the unexpected that happens, and turns the experiences of our hunters into something out of the way. They come upon a hunting outfit of two In les who are trying to shoot big game, with only a Dutch boer as manager. It is all very naturally and reasonably eese ibel, and the adventures of the gentlemen and the dangerous situations into which the ladies get themselves, provide our hunters with the opportunities of showing the advantage of having a party of sportsmen handy in case of emergencies. How they arranged matters at the last we leave the reader to discover. Let it suffice that Hunters Three is readable, plainly written, and gives a most truthful picture of South African life.