Surely there is a little touch of violence in the
attitude of High Churchmen towards the Bishop of Hereford. We cannot say that we at all agree with the Bishop of Hereford, and we do not think that either for the schools of the rich or the schools of the poor, representation of the parents would form at all a useful element. Imagine Eton or Harrow allowing the parents of the boys to interfere with the authority of the head-master and his colleagues I But still when Lord Halifax says that they could forgive the Bishop of Hereford for wishing to disperse the endowed heritage of the Church, but for desiring, as he appeared to do, according to the Times of that morning, to destroy the religious educa- tion of the country, Churchmen would not forgive Elm as long as he lived," he is surely indulging a vindictiveness not altogether Christ-like. And when the Rev. Dr. Belcher inquires whether he might be allowed at the close of the meeting to move a distinct vote of censure "upon the Episcopal Judas," we are reminded of the unseemly cries of " Judas!" in the House of Commons of a year or two ago. We do not sympathise at all with Dr. Percival's enthusiasm for parental representation ; bat whatever it is, it does not seal to us to be the sin against the Holy Ghost.