23 NOVEMBER 1929, Page 29


The Evanston (Illinois) Police Department is trying to reduce traffic accidents by kindness. Hitherto the police have been concerned only with violators of the traffic laws, but all the arrests and the penalties imposed have not achieved the desired end. So now, in addition to singling out wrong- doers for punishment, the police are keeping their eyes open for drivers whom they can commend for care and good judg- ment. A woman driver recently came in for notice in this way. Narrowly avoiding a child who ran into the street, she stopped her car and was requested by the traffic officer to report at the police station. When she arrived there she was pleasantly surprised to receive, instead of a reprimand and a court summons, a " Safe Driver's Card," on which the Police Depart- ment expressed commendation for her careful driving and coolness in emergency. The " Safe Driver's Card," it is said, has already proved a popular and persuasive innovation.

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