What Harm is Done by Wild e Animals The Ministry of
Agriculture sends me Wild Mammals and the Land as a sequel to Wild Birds and the Land. It has a well-designed cover, is full of striking photographs, and is written by a knowledgeable naturalist in an agreeable style. What is notable about it is its vindication of the weasel family as on the whole beneficial to, agriculture and its complete exoneration of the badger,- which has suffered so barbarously and unjustly at the hands of man. " Rogue." badgers that kill poultry or take eggs are very uncommon, and the only other count against the race is making gaps in hedges and rolling in standing corn. But the ayes have it by an overwhelming majority. Badger-baiting is an abominable sport, and I hope will be discouraged by this official bulletin. There is a wise discrimination between red and grey squirrel on the point of destructiveness, the former having an all-but-clean bill of innocence. Rats and grey squirrels are the worst offenders of our fauna.