[A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened after noon on Tuesday week, December 4th, addressed Crossword, 0 Gower Street, London, W.C.1. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the NUMBER of the puzzle and a ad. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the foam-617W issue.]
1. Some deserve hanging. (8.)
5. Performs poorly when little science combines with electrical aid. (6.) 9. Zero afire. (8.)
:0. It shoots and is a shot. (6.)
12. Flower of cities all, said Dunbar. (6.)
:3. Tin goodbyes set to music. (8.) 15. Free buns fail (anag.). (12.) 18. The nation that provides a hin- drance ? (8, 4.) 3. Growing shape. (8.) 4. It keeps one on the lines. (6.) 6. Coxite confusion. (6.) 7. A fast spreading character from Scott. (8-) :8. There may be some slow-coaches on it and old buffers at the end. (6.) :9. "Pretty young wards in - (Gilbert). (8.)
1. To get loud in a heap makes non- sense. (6.) 2. They may or may not be found in chain-stores. (6.) 3. The beast is up in arms. (7.) 4. Part of the iceberg submerged. (4.) 6. The source of melody in pipes. (7.) 7. Where I follow a man to graduate. (8.) 8. Turn left for the street. GO IL Flourish food of enthusiasts. (7.) 14. For this one may use stones or tongs. (7.) 16. Alteration over such scraps of paper. (8.)
17. Help about the ruined store. (8.)
19. Lots go to this. (7.) 20. A boy in circumstances once changed is green. (7.) 21. Didn't she have her dinner ? (6.) 22. Celerity lacks it. (6.) 25. " Enterprises of great -- and moment " (Shakespeare). (4.)