23 OCTOBER 1852, Page 8

A Poor-law Conference is summoned by the Poor-law Association to

meet at Manchester on the 3d November ; Lord Goderich to preside. The deliberations of the Conference will be confined to the two following propositions— • " 1st, To collect and bring under consideration the various methods in use, in English or Irish unions, for usefully employing the poor receiving in or out door 'relief,' with the pecuniary and other results, beneficial or not, arising from'their adoption.

"2d, To consider and adopt means for promoting the general enforcement of productive and healthful labour, and otherwise furthering the benevolent purposes of the Poor-law Association."

The circular convening this body states that the Conference is to _con- sist of "Members of Parliament, Guardians of the Poor, Ministers of Re- ligion, and others favourable to the principle of, substituting, in Poor-lew unions, productive employment for mere relief either in total idleness or accompanied by degrading and useless task-work."