Business in the Market for English Securities continues to be of the most hatted character and almost altogether confined to dealers in " the House " : the general public seems afraid to operate either one way or tho other, and, notwithstanding the absence at present of anything at all likely to produce serious depression, there does exist a great want of confidence, purchases for the rise having unmistakeably received a check. The high price at which Consols now stand in a great measure accounts for this, inducing many to sell for realization. In the early part of the week, some slight liminess prevailed in consequence of the opinion that the Portuguese question would experience some difficulty in settling. An advance in the rate of money in Germany, and a succession of lower prices from the pans Bourse, also influenced the dulness noticeable here. Quotations, however, have been tolerably well supported in the expectation of a re- duction yesterday in the Bank minimum rate of interest, and although the Directors did not decide upon any alteration, the effect was only to make Consols ofif sellers, instead of buyers at that price. The extreme range during the week has been 98f 98a and 981 98f. The Government Broker, until tag, has made his usual daily purchases, invariably imparting a certain strength to the market, or, at any rate, counteracting the effect of attempts on the part of the " Bears" to produce a fall. Money in the Stock Ex- change is only at 1 and lf per cent, and considering surrounding favourable circumstances, that business should remain so inactive, is, indeed, most Bur- ris* ; whether a reduction in the Bank rate to 22 per cent would alter this state of things is a question ; but it is looked for on the Stock Exchange with considerable anxiety. Consols close 981 98a ; Reduced, 97 974 ; Bank Stock, 221 223. There has only been a moderate business doing in the Foreign Market, the principal operations taking place in the new Turkish Scrip, fluctuations occurring equal to if per cent. The quotation, after reaching 31 31 premium, has since receded to 2 premium, at which price they are now sellers. Peruvian Stock is f per cent lower ; Mexican and Spanish are both flatter, the former very dull at the price, 204 20i. The Victor Em- manuel Mortme Loan has again risen 11 per cent, 98 98f. Public atten- tion has no doubt at last been drawn to the comparative lowness of the quotations. Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 891 901 ; Ditto Three per Cent, 69 70 ; Ditto Dollars, 76 78; Buenos Ayres, 78 80 ; Ditto Three par Cent, 17 18; Brazilian Four-and-a-half per Cent (1838), 97 971 ; Vmesuela Active, 40 41 ' • Portuguese Three per Cent, 461 47 ; Turkish Six per Cent, 94 941 ; Ditto Scrip No. 1, f lf premium ; Ditto, No. 2, 11 24 premium. In the English Railway Share Market there has been more.activity this week, but prices are all more or less lower than last quoted, the fluctuations, however, from day to day, have not been serious. The various markets show considerable-heaviness at the close this afternoon. Caledonian Shares have declined upoa the week 1 per cent; Midland, 11; Groat Western, 1 ; London mid Korth-Western 11; Lancashire and Torkslaire, 1; Berwick, 11; and Sheffield f per cent'. York and North Midland closes 761 77 ; Lon- don and Brighton, 110f 111f ; London and South-Western, 931 91. The Foreign Railway Market shows steadiness; but prices have not im- proved in consequence of the increase made in the rate of discount in various parts of the Continent, and a slight amount of uneasiness being felt on the Portuguese question. Paris and Loons, 341 34k; Northern of France, 384 34; Southern of France, 221234 ;Eastern of 1 ranee, 284 291. The Indian market is steady, with .no particular feature. East Indian, 107/ 108; Ma- cho, 204 201; Great Indian Peninsula, 211 211.
Ali Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, rap. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 20th day of Oct. 1858.
NOtellUlled £33,138,710 I Government Debt £11,015,105
Other Securities 9.459,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 18,663,710 Silver Bullion £33,138,710 1 £33,135,710
£37,878,982 £37,879,982 £14,553,000 Government Securities (inclu- 3,557,613 ding Dead WeightAnnulty) £10,809,467 5,531,558 Other Securities 14,815,120 13 808,346 Notes 11,642,545 Gold and Silver Cole 612,850 Po:quieten 'Capital Rest Public Deposits` Other Deposits
Seven Days and other Bills 889,465
• Inehiling Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Acct.