Ou the 9th June, at Feonside, Canterbury, New Zealand, the Wife of Charles T lease Esq. of a daughter. iti-01-717th july, t Rangiora, Canterbury, New Zealand, the Wife of Henry Esq of a son. T—On-tb:_14th" October, in Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, Gardens, the Wife of Penrose Mark, Esq., H.M.'s Consul for Granada, resident at Malaga. siVsliew Penrose Tha 'thefeal5th, Porchester Terrace, the Lady of Sir James Macaulay Higginson, K C B. of a son. K. the 16th, at Hatt House, Wilts, the Wife of J. W. Balfour, Esq., late Cap- tain 7th Dragoon Guards, of a daughter.
On the 16th, in Charles Street, Berkeley Square, the Wife of Lieut.-Col. Holdar,
St. G t- Fusilier Guards, of a daughter. O; the 17th, at Kittery Lodge, Kilburn, the Wife of Lamorock Flower, Esq., of a daughter.
On the 18th, at Coates House, Edinburgh, the Wife of Archibald R. Cockburn. Esq., of a son.
Oa the 19th, at Charter House, the Wife of the Rev. Richard Elwyn, of a son.
On the 20th, Lady Bisshopp, the Wife of Walter Long, Esq., M.P., of a son. MARRIAGES.