The Deputies of the French Republican party have been eagerly
urged to proceed to the Chamber on the 26th inst. and demand admittance, the allegation being that under the Constitution the Emperor was bound to open the Session on or before that day. The object of this proceeding was, of course, to provoke a demon- stration in the streets. Nineteen prominent members of the Left, however, have issued a manifesto, in which they state their resolu- tion not to "provoke a manifestation, the development and bear- ing of which nobody can determine." It would be impolitic, now that a movement has commenced the end of which is certain, to give Government an opportunity of reinvigorating itself by the suppression of an emeute. They prefer to meet the Government in the Chamber, and there demand explanation of the new " insult " put upon the country in the illegal prorogation. This paper is signed by Liberals of the most advanced type, including Jules Favre, Jules Ferry, Gatnbetta, Bailed, and Gamier Pages, and has been followed by most earnest attempts to prevent the demonstration.