In the course of his speech, Mr. Grant Duff took
occasion to repudiate in the most emphatic terms any idea of annexing Northern Burmah, but stated that the attention of Government had been directed to the neglected valley of Assam, "which points like a finger towards China,"—a clever illustration which will be remembered. He stated that Mr. Cooper, the brave explorer, had reached Upper Assam on his way to China, and we wish he could have added that Government were preparing a regular exploring expedition in that direction. There must be a practicable route from the Brahmapootra to the Yangtse, and if we could only find it and come to some arrangement at Pekin about caravans, we might have a trade of millions and turn Assam into a garden. It is just the place for Chinese immigrants, and for every pound of tea grown there is a straight, swift water-road to the ocean. Mr. Grant Duff has been studying Indian harbours. Will he just remember that we want a seaport for the Brahmapootra ? It will pay better than Coconada or any other place on that wretched Madras coast.