The Foreign Office publishes another despatch from China, dated 21st
inst., which is not quite so satisfactory as the last. The Chinese Government have agreed to send a Mission to Eng- land with an apology for the Yunnan outrage; to protect a Mission -of Inquiry in Yunnan itself; to issue a decree calling the atten- tion of all Governors to the passport clause in the Treaties, and mentioning that the murder of Mr. Margary had produced a High 'Commission ; to allow personal intercourse betvren the Depart- -pleas at Pekin and the Embassies ; and to order Mr. Hart, the Chinese Inspector. General of Foreign Customs, to report fully on the transit-duties. These are considerable 'concessions, but they are not equivalent to the publication of the Treaties in the Pekin .Gazette, or to an apology for the Manwyne outrage Published at Pekin. A Chinese Envoy may say anything in London without altering public opinion in Yunnan.