SIR,—Permit me to correct an amusing misapprehension into. which the high animal spirits of the reviewer of Mr. Southworth's "Four Thousand Miles of -African Travel" have betrayed him. "Mr. Gouverneur Morris" is not, as he naively assumes, an odd. compound of a misspelt title and a surname. "Gouverneur," pro- nounced Goovneer, is a family name of frequent recurrence in New York, and of no gubernational significance whatever.
I may also observe that the sentence, "Mr. Stanley himself did not start more 'slick' to find Livingstone," puts that accommo- dating little word " slick " in a dismally false position. In fact the correct use of Americanisms is rare among those not to the manner born,—it seems to come by nature, to be the result not so much of an acquaintance with the idioms, as of subtle discrimi- nation in applying them. Be the cause what it may, I have not, as a rule, found Englishmen particularly fortunate in this branch