Free Enterprise-the new battle of ideas
A message from Sir John Reiss, B.E.M. chairman of Aims of Industry:
THE battle of ideas between those who believe in a State society and those who believe in a free economy is by no means over. The type of battle tends to change. New ideologies have captured the minds of many of the younger generation.
This is one of the problems that have made the year 1970-71 a busy one for Aims of Industry.
During 1970, there was a change of Government. Aims of Industry wishes the Government well, but our attitude towards it will be watchful, as always. We are concerned with the interests of free enterprise commerce and industry, not party politics.
Successful Campaign in 1970
Few people in this country could have failed to come across some evidence of our free enterprise campaign during the spring and early summer of 1970. This campaign, using Press and poster advertising on a large scale, leaflets and other means, successfully inspired full discussion of free enterprise issues.
Those who think there will be nothing for Aims of IndustEy to do in the foreseeable future are not taking note of the lessons of history. In the past, Labour Governments have tended to take four steps towards a State society, and succeeding Conservative Governments have often only taken one step back towards free enterprise. It is much easier to nationalize than to denationalize.
We will watch, especially, for trends towards expansion of intervention by government— central or local—and continue to urge a reduction in its scope. Direct labour in the building industry is only one example of the threat to private enterprise from municipal trading. With local government under review, we are continuing our successful work of showing how uneconomic much of the activity is.
In the long run, free enterprise will survive if the public under.stands the needs for its existence.
Free Enterprise, the key to growth
To see that the arguments for a free enterprise society are made available to the public, we intend to commission a series of clear and well-written pamphlets. The general public will be invited through Press advertising to write to Aims of Industry for copies.
It is not without significance that the countries that have prospered in Europe are those whose governments have encouraged a responsible market economy. Free enterprise and therefore the freedom of everyone in this country have been eroded in recent years. Only determination can halt the trend, and to turn it back calls for men with the integrity of those who let their names be associated with Aims of Industry.
Aims of Industry was founded by a group of leading industrialists in 1942 to. promote understanding of free enterprise. It is backed by a wide variety of companies and trade associations. If you would like a copy of the annual report for 1970-71, please write to the Director, Aims of Industry, 5 Plough Place, Fetter Lane, London, EC4A IAN, or telephone 01-353 0621.