The intelligence from Spain is still of the most unsatisfactory
character. Valiant in civic broils, and expert in bullying a fe. male Sovereign, the Christino forces when the enemy is in the field behave like cowards or traitors. The gallant British Legion, the remnant left by Evssmoind commanded by O'DONNELL, has experienced a severe defeat, in consequence of the infamous beha- viour of the Spaniards. O'DONNELL, with a combined force of British and Spaniards, occupied Ancloain, not far from Hernani; when, on the 14th instant, early in the morning, the Carlists commenced the attack ; but when they were more than a mile off, and before a shot bad been fired, the Fifth Light Infantry Spanish regiment ran off the field, followed by the whole of the Spanish troops! There was then nothing to be done but to secure the guns and retreat to Hernani. By very great exertion, the guns were carried off. Colonel WAKEFIELD, at the head of his Lancers, charged the Carlists seven times in the most gallant manner; and thus afforded some protection to the Artillery, who, under the command of Major ,Hows, behaved with the greatest bra% ery; while the Spanish officers as well as men refused even to give the slightest aid in drawing the guns. Several of the cowards were killed by the British soldiers in their flight. It was with the utmost difficulty that O'DONNELL e.,caped : he was for some time a prisoner, but was rescued. He succeeded in rallying some troops at Hernani, and drove back the Carlists to some distance; but ultimately returned to Hernani. The loss of the British is variously stated from 200 to 750: fourteen officers were missing, either killed or taken prisoners. The Carlists carried off a million rounds of ammunition, and about 200,000 rations. It is feared that O'DONNELL will not be able to retain possession of Hernani, but will be forced to retire into San Sebastian. In that case, it is almost certain that Fuentarabia will again fall into the hands of the Carlists, and the communication with France be reopened. Really it seems to be time to leave these cowardly Spaniards to fight their own battles: the sooner the remnant of the Legion and their gallant officers arrive in England, the better. Martial law has been again proclaimed in Madrid, in conse- quence of the near approach of the Carlists; a body of whom advanced on the 10th almost to the gates of the capital, when the arrival of ESPARTERO with a superior force obliged them to retire.