Tire publishing world partakes of the general dulness ; though the announcement (since this was written we have to say the arrival) of a novel by EDWARD BULwER, and the near ap- proach of the time for the Fifth Volume of LOCKHART.S Life of Scott, give promise of something important eve long. In the interim, besides the periodical run of publications, which come with as much regularity as the tides, though they vary in number as the water does in body, we have the First Part of a very able and important treatise on the Diseases of the Heart, by Dr. WARentoo; which we shall probably find it better to postpone until the appearance of the Second Part enable us to take both the principles and their application together. We have also to acknowledge the receipt of the second edition of the Reverend THOMAS W. JENICYN'S work on the Extent of the Atonement; a subject not very well adapted to a miscellaneous journal, although of the last importance in a religious point of view, as upon it, we conceive, depends the whole structure of Christianity.