A meeting was held on Thursday, in the Vestry-room of
St. Nicholas, Deptford, to inquire into the alleged cruelty of the Keeper of the Workhouse, in refusing ail old man leave to see his wife, who was dying in the Workhouse. The circumstances, if correctly stated, make out a case of harshness on the part of those who had the care of
the paupers and a resolution was adopted to communicate the facts to the Poor-law Commissioners. At Liverpool, a check has been given to the demand for cotton ; and tkere is some apprehension that the recent improvement in the market has not been grounded so much on a health3 demand as on speculation.
The Reverend Ileneage Finch has issued numerous distress-war- rants for the collection of his tithes at Oakham and Brooke.
The parishioners of St. Nicholas, Durham, have postponed the con- sideration of a church-rate for twelve months.
The new Mechanics Institution at Liverpool was opened on Tues- day. Most of the distinguished members of the Scientific Association then in Liverpool were present out the occasion ; arid Mr. 1Vyse, M. P. delivered a most eloquent and impressive speech on the necessity of public education. Last week, the miners at the Castleton Lead Mine suddenly came upon a new cavern of great extent, and beautifully incrusted with the most splendid stalactites. lime proprietors of the Peveril Museum have obtained several stalactites that measure from twelve to twenty- four inches in length, which are enriched with tufts of crystalized car- bonate of lime, arid are unique in size and splendour.—Derby Mercury.