23 SEPTEMBER 1837, Page 5


The Ketso Mail pu'ilishes two letters from Mr. Robert Selby, ageztt ta Lord !into, to electors of Roxburglishire, which prove that bin Lordship's influence was directly employed to gain votes for Captar Elliot. The " Oliver" is a land-valuer employed by Lord Minto- -Samiest as: "Dear Sir—Itt case of a general election, will you have the goodness that time, as you were so kind to do the IAA election, to support Captain Lhhtetagaae; and any favour I can do for you shall not be wanting. "Oliver did you peat 'Injustice in his report, but I will PCC yOO righteg-- This letter you will keep quite private. And your answer will oblige, "Dear Sir, yours truly, "Rouritt SO WY' " To r. James FrAutifield, West Mi:/, Elnain." . M


" Dear Sir—in case of a general election, will you have the goodness to support Captain Elliot. At all events, I trust you will not vote against him thus time; and any favour I can do for you shall cot be wanting.

"In Oliver's report there is nothing for you; but I intend your ellowance in **end to be fully as much, if not more, than any tenant on the estate. This letter I trust you will keep quite private. I will inform you more particularly M meetiog. I am, dear Sit., yours very truly,


The Sheriff of Lanarkshire commenced his sittings in the Regis- tuition Court for Glasgow, on Wednesday the 23rd of August, and closed at twelve o'clock, midnight, of Friday last, 13th of September. He was assisted by Mr. Adam Urquhart, advocate, who was ap- pointed Assistant Sheriff by the Lord President of the Court of Ses- sion ; each holding a separate Court, and sitting generally from nine o'clock morning till five afternoon, every lawful day, and sometimes till ten o'clock at night. There were nearly 7000 cases discussed at deose sittings : of these there were 3385 chilies for new enrolment, and upwards of 3000 objections to persons on the register. We can. sot give an analysis of the result of the result before Thursday, when we hope to be able to give one. We defy any person, not actually en- gaged, to imagine the very unsatisfactory manner in which the busi- ness was disposed of. We do not charge partiality against either gentleman intrusted with the important tusk of deciding between the contending parties, although it is difficult to believe ant individuals, closely identified with the political party which opposed the Reform Bill, are wholly free from prejudice, and are not unconsciously in- fluenced by their antipathies ; but it is quite impossible that justice could be done in twenty-one days to nearly 7000 cases requiting close finvestigation, and in many of which several witnesses were examined, said the fects were finally settled by the oath of party upon reference. 'Toe Sheriffs evinced great perseverance and the most laborious in- dustry, and appeared to be hillueeced by the most aireions desire to discharge their duties impartially ; but we complain of their applica- tion of the most stern rules of law in deciding upon the evidence ad- dueed for admission to the register ; while every slender evidence led to exclusion from the roll, if the _party did not personally appear in Court to undergo examination. We complain, moreover, of the in- troduction of minute distinctions, which the practised hair-splitter could alone perceive, and the most subtle lawyer could alone devise: we complain of the total want of principle in the decisions, and the absence of fixed rules for regulating the practice of the court : and, above all, we complain of the heavy expenses to the public and to the pastiest which attend these courts. We have no doubt that the Glas- gow Registration Court just terminated has cost 3000/. Of that sum, teted. has found its way into the pockets of the Towil-elerks ; 400/. will be paid to the Sheriffs from the Exchequer ; and 2000/. must save been incurred by the two contending parties in getting up the :rases, in which task each party was employed from 20th June last, and in bringing up the evidence. It must be evident that a system of registration, accconpunied by al! those evils, cannot be lorry continued with advareaye to die relilic, ami that a arca/ amid CAW/ye must ere Lay be mode, to secure to the people a really representatiet. government.— Glasgow Argus.

Tire it suit of the Glascow Registation gives a majority of 784 on the entire constituency to the Li le rids.