EAST INDIA SHIPPING. '11 , e following vessels were driven ashorn, during
a heavy gale, at Bombay, no the 15:11.h:tie ; viz , the Edinburgh of Lon !on, since gut off; John stamp of Liverpeol, do.; Ranger. Great I h..rwoo,l, It ictuaul Waiker.and Briton. all of Liverieed. Complete wrecks; .Mary Nuothitniberlatid, and Rapid onto., bilged and full of water. ieseii. from Liverpool to Calcutta, has put back with loss of foremast, haviez loam in contact with auuther ver.sel. itmi —At Gravesend, Sept. 19th, John Denison, Mackey, from Bombay ; 20th Lowden, front Singapore; and Glenliarni, Greneber, from C.t.Ittri ; Penyard M i.blbaoli, from Mauritius; and 'triton, Wyllie, from the Cape. Off Beachy Head, 31s1, Amity, Scott. from Manritios. At Liverpool. 191h. Balfour. lire, from llonilot. At Botany, Childe Harold. Ann. Griffith,' ; 'Madras, (pinion: and Car' antic. --. roan London ; Malabar. Frobisher ; Iluddensfield, Noakes ; Lady Eau, , ssia 1.o.,:in and Blake, from !Averred. At liengel, Lysender, Currie; I nyro pus. C General Ed, Fount ; and Dauntless, Pindar, (nun Loudon; Frank Ii,;, Clown ; Dorothea Elwiam ; --- Jupiter and George, from Lit erpool. Saile.I—Floin Liverpool. Sept. 19th. Volunteer, M•Mion; 20th, Ivanhoe, (Maw' ; fur licti;a1 and Abbotsford, Mitchell, for Bombay.