In the Statistical section of the Association for the Advancement
of Science, a paper was read by Mr. Walmsley, containing the following particulars of the Liverpool criminals of various descriptions.
" In the year 1835, there were taken into custody 13,505 persons ; of whom 2,138 were committed. In 1836, there were taken into custody 16,890 per- sons; of whom 3,243 were committed. Up to the 13th of the present month, the number taken into custody in eight months was 12,709; of whom 2,849 were committed. From July 1835 to July 1836, the number of juvenile thieves under eighteen years of age apprehended was 924; of whom 378 were com- mitted. From July 1836 up to the present day, the number of juvenile thieves taken into custody was 2,339; of whom 1,096 were committed. There wens in custody during the same period upwards of 1,500 well.known adult thieves. In our report juvenile thieves were set down at 1,270: it now seems that the number was very greatly underrated, for the most expert officer does not pre- tend to say that one.half were taken into custody. In the returns made by the old watchmen, the number of houses of ill-fame was set down at 300, but this return referred only to the notorious ones: a fret and complete return has since been made, and the number in reality is 655, exclusive of pri- vate houses in which girls of the town reside. In all the houses of ill.fame feniales reside ; and allowing an average of four to each house, the number re- siding in such places only would be 2,620. This return is further confirmed by
the fact, that in the !, rut pm. lug the inquiry, there %tie apprehended 1,000
females of a palm Ovsettplion. Mr. Batchelder, now the excellent Go. wernor of the Ilurtme,h Gaol, was then our-principal Bridewell-keeper; and he gave it as his opitoon—utol on one was more competent to give one—that not ao..fourth of the females has been apprehended. lit this opinion the heads of the Police, deriving their knowledge from a different source, coincided. Anti- thez return has been placed before nie, which, though not absolutely bearing upon the subject, is not without. interest. Of 419 now in the gaol, 216 profess the religious creed of Church Protestants, 174 Roman Catholics, 8 are Metho- dista, 17 are Presbyterians, there are 2 Unitarians, I Baptist, and I Indepen- dent; 141 can neither read nor write, 59 read imperfectly, 38 read well, 127 read and write imperfectly, and 56 read and write well."