23 SEPTEMBER 1837, Page 9



17th September 1937.

Sin—You say, " It is manifest that the first division in a full House on the Irish Appropriation-clause, would place Ministers where they put Sir ROBERT ;:z, on the Speakership." Having looked carefully to your Complete Lists, I can find among your Liberals the following only who vote against that clause-

13enett Wiltshire Lemon Cornwall Lennox Sussex Lennox Chichester Poyntz Midhurst Townley Cambridgeshire And say Verney Buckingham

Young Ty-Demuth—in all 8.

Oa the other side. among your Tories are


Long Wiltshire

Posey Berkshire-3.

Leaving but a balance of 5 more against the Ministers on that clause than on utha questions; which would make

Fur the clause Against 1:31 327 Dlajority 4 Yours, &c.

[This correspondent says that he has " looked car:fully " through our Complete Lists, and Stela Sir CHARLES LESION anti the two Lords LEr:cox among our Liberals ; though, for reasons repeatedly stated, they are placed annhig the Tories ! It is hardly worth while to notice the communication of a ial.-on who, if his aim is nut to give troub!e by au attempt to mystify a matter which is clear enough, discovers utter carelessness and ignorance of the subject on which he thinks to set us right. If he look closely into the vote* and the pledgee of Members, he will find several besides those he has named who either will not support or will oppose the Appropriation-clause; and who notwith- standing, on account of their generally Liberal tendencies, are put down ia our Liberal list,--a sufficient number to overbalance the majority of 14.—En.]