23 SEPTEMBER 1843, Page 21


ARRIVED—At Gravesend. 16th Sept. Narcissus, B thy, from Ceylon ; 19th, Pearl, Mackwood, from Ceylon. In the Downs, 21st. Agricola. Grayson ; and Tokeu. Chal- mers, from Bombay. Off Portsmouth, 20th, Katherine Stewart Forbes, Hobbs from Singapore. OX Sa.combe, 17th. Sir Charles Forbes, Molien, from Batavia. 01 Fal- mouth, 1701, Bella Marina, Ashbridge ; and Monarch, R,bertson, from China; and Duke of Clarence. —, from Calcutta. Off Penzoice, Grecian. Walt. from China. Off Maly, lfith. Pekin. Lain. from Calcutta. At Bristol, 1911N Tile, Thomson, from Calcutta. At L veipool, IStit, William Sharpies, Junes; i9.h. Salisbury. Cuttaherhun; and 21st, Princess Charlotte, King. from Bombay. Off Cork, 18th, Isabella, Gray, from Singapore. At Ft. Ileleua, previous to 8tia Aug. ',ellen, Yburgaray. from Liver. pool; Victoria. Monteith'; and Diadem. Ilar:and from Chiva ; Welcome, Morris, from Java ; It. eklitt., Harrison; end John Punter, Herries. from Singapore; Blanche. Silk; William Money, Bickford; Kilblain, Shaw ; Dake of Peril and, Hamlin ; Ma- dura, Myhre; Justine. Loader ; and Thetis, Cass, fruni Calcutta; Vestal. Young ; and Chieftain. NU lethal], from Bombay; Ilor.votel, Gales; Jane, Cocks; Ells 'befit Scott, Allier; and Bosphorus. Tre,rat thee, from the Cape. .

SAILED —Front Gravesend, 13th Sept. lienares, Gilkisou, fur Calcutta ; 21st, Van- guard, Walker, from Sin.apore. Flom Liverpool. 16th Sept. Pitgrim, Rawlings. fur Calcutta; 21st. Minerva;s1Vethelall ,• and Blake, Frazer, for the Cape of Good Hope. SATURDAY MoRNING.—ARRIVED—Off the Wight, 22d Sept. Gaseale. Ogg. tram Ma- nilla. Off Pont:old, Colony, Penny, from the Cape. Off Ply mouth, William Muuey, Bickford, from Calcutt.a