23 SEPTEMBER 1854, Page 10



The excitement regarding the expedition to the Crimea continues un- abated, and was yesterday augmented by the intelligence of the landing of a large number of the Allied troops at Eupatoria, on the 14th instant. The anticipations of success have been the chief support this week to Government Securities, when under depression occasioned by an increased demand for money both in the Stock Exchange and out of doors. The supply of Con- sols on Tuesday caused them to decline to 95 4; but they afterwards rallied a little, and higher prices have since ruled. Yesterday, an receipt of the above intelligence, they advanced to 954 ; and were done for the Account as high as 964, closing about I lower. Owing to the pressure for money, Consols for immediate delivery arel lower than for time. The Corn-market has been firm at a further Blight advance. The French Funds have beep steadily improving, and it is said the reported new loan of 16,000,000/. bee been postponed. The rates of exchange on the Continent generally having been favourable, the shipments of gold from this country, it is expected, wad light. The bullion return by the Bank of France for the past month exhibits an increase of 950,0001., and the amount now held is nearly 20,000,000/. In Vienna, the exchange on London has advanced, and much distrust has pre- vailed connected with the recent refusal of Austria to declare war agaenet Russia. The shipments of specie this week for Malta, Alexandria, India, and China, amount to 127,618/., chiefly in silver; and the arrivals comprise 220,000k from New York, and 100,0001. from the West Indies. Today tke Funds have declined 4; arising from money sales, and heavy realizing for the Account. Consols leave off 954 for Money and 951 4 for Account. Ex- chequer Bills, Exchequer Bonds, and India Stock, are the same as last week. Foreign Securities have been steady, and the transactions limited ; and the leading Stocks generally present no change this week. Austrian, Bra- zilian, and Buenos Ayres, have improved 1; Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents are 1 lower. Turkish Scrip has been in demand. The holders having now received their proportion of the additional 1,000,000k just issued, the value of this second allotment was taken off the price of the first an Monday, when it was quoted at 34. 4 ex New. Yesterday it advanced to 34 4 ; partly owing to the publication of an extract from the Journal of Constantinopk, asserting that the Egyptian tribute is perfectly disengaged and available for the loan, and that any attempt by M. Trouve Chauvel to prove the contrary was to be wholly disregarded. The Scrip is today at 3 I premium. Railways have been dull, and the operations limited. A decline of 10t. to 1/. occurred on Monday, and any subsequent reaction since has been only temporary. Yesterday a depression of 10s. took place in several instances ; and at the close the difference in some of the leading lines compared with last Saturday's was to the following extent. Decrease—Great Western, 11. 10s.; London and North-Western, and Midland, 11. 5e. • London and South-Western, Oxford, Worcester and Wolverhampton, Scottish Midland, and South-Eastern, 1/.' Lancashire and 'Yorkshire, 15s.; Caledonian, Great Northern, North-Eastern, Turk. and South Wales, 10s. Foreign Shares have been in demand, and the following improvement has occurred—Paris and Rouen, 11.; Eastern of France, and Paris and Lyons, 17s. 6d. ; Great Central of France, Rouen and Havre, and Western of France, 10s.; Northam of France, 78. 6d. Great Luxembourg Constituted have fallen 58. At the meeting of the Edinburgh and Glasgow Company the report was agreed to, and a dividend declared at the rate of 3 per cent. The chief Zs- °milieu was on the difficulties in the disposal of traffic arrangements between this Company and the Caledonian. The opening of the Norwegian Railway is stated to have taken place on the let instant. The line 38 forty-two miles long, and extends from the port of Christiania to Like Wiesen; where, through the aid of steamers, the communication is carried seventy-seven miles further. The line has cost 450,0001.; one-half being subscribed by English shareholders and the remainder by the Norwegian Government.

Today, the English and Foreign lines are rather weaker.

SATURDAY. Twitrez o'Cioes.

The English Funds are dull this morning, at the lower. quotations of yes- terday: Consols for Money are 95i, and for Amount NI 4. Exchequer Bills 6 to 9. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 42,449/. In Foreign Stocks there is nothing doing. Turkish Scrip con- tinue s at Si ex New. Railways are a little lower; the present bargains -

are these : East Lancashire, 69; Great Northern, .88; _London and Noelli- W esters, 1024; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 25.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account...

3 per Cent Reduced

34 per Cents

95 g 953 4


shut Danish S per Cents .......„ .. Dutch 24 per Cents ..... .... Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 9 per Cents 27 80 61 3 93 6 244 5

L.ag Annuities

shut , Peruvian 46 per (lento 70 2 Bank Stock shut Ditto 3 per Cents 51 3 Exchequer Bills. 6 9 Portuguese 4 per Cents 40 2 India Stock 226 9 Russian 5 per Cents 98 1018'

Austrian 5 per tents

114 7 Ditto 44-per-Cents 87 Brazilian 5 perGenta 101 3 sh er

Spanish Cents 3 p

Be • 44 per Cents 92 4 3877I Ditto Deferred 18 C an 6 per Cents 104 6 Sardinian 5 per Cents 9

Danish 5 per Cents .........

100 2

Swedish 4 per Cents

Be '8

RARE OF 10031.A11713. An Account, pursuant to the Act 713, and 8th Victoria, cap. as. for the week ending 01. Saturday, the 18th day of September 1854. MUM DSPARIIOSKT.

Notes Wood ..... .128,822,810 Govermnent Debt CLOWNS

Other Securities 3,984.900

Gold Coin and Bullion 12,832,810

Silver Bullion



7■31E11.0 DIP.ULTMINT.

Proprietors Capital ........... f.14,553,000 Government Securities.



Public Dec09E4.



ctudb gDead Weight Annuity) £10056955

Othw Securities. 15,353,432 Other Deposits

9,780,712 Notes — 7,049,425 Bei= Day and otherBills 1,023,575 Gold and Silver Ooin 616,580


£11,046,371 • Including Bachequer.Sayinpaanks,Coinmissionersotlgationalliebt& Dividend UN.