The Edinburgh Town-Council resolved, on Thursday, to confer the freedom
of the city upon Sir William Molesworth ; who has been most recently a visitor at Keir House, Perthshire, the seat of Mr. Stirling M.P. The civic compliment to Sir William is placed on the double ground of public service and personal connexion—the latter, that he was "an alumnus of Edinburgh University, and on his mother's side is connected with the city."
Lord Aberdeen is expected to be in the North in the course of a month. We learn that on Saturday last orders were received at Haddo Howe to prepare for the reception of the noble EarL —Caledonian Mercury.
The Earl of Elgin, Governor-General of Canada, returns to this coun- try by the next mail steamer from Halifax.
The election for the new Lord Mayor has been fixed for Friday next. Mr. Moon and Mr. David Salomons are the two senior Aldermen ; and Mr. Moon, it is understood, will be the Lord Mayor. Mr. Salomons will stand first for 1855-'6.