On the 11th September, at Kreuanach, the Wife of the
lies.. Charles G. Chitten- den, of Hatfield, Herts, of a daughter.
On the 13th, at the Rectory, Cotton Denham, Somersetshire. the Hon. Mrs. Au- gusta Byron, of a daughter. On the 13th, at the Vicarage, Cantor& the Lady Louisa Ponsonby, of a son.
On the 15th, the Wife of II. IL Eyre, Esq., of Shaw House, Barks, of a sensed heir.
On the 15th, at Trabolg,an, county Cork, the Wife of Edmund Burkejtoehe, Esq., M.P., of a daughter.
On the 16th, in Chapel Street, Lady Templemore' of a son.
On the 17th, in Southwick Crescent, Hyde Park, the Wife of Sir Sibbald David Scott, Bart., of a son.
On the 17th, at Marston Rectory, the Hon. Mrs. Richard Boyle, of a son.
On the 18th, at Lynchfield, near Taunton, the Wife of Graham Willmore, Esq., Q.C., of twin daughters.
On the 19th, at Idarstow House, Lady Emily Dungarven, of a daughter. On the 20th, at Waltham Abbey, Essex, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Coiling. wood Dickson, Royal Artillery, of a son.
On the 14th September, at Winslade Church, Mansfield Parkyns, Esq., of Wood- borough. Notts, to Emma Louisa, third daughter of Sir Richard Bethell, her Ma- jesty's Solicitor-General.
On the 14th. at Alwington Church, Capt. B. B. Gordon, 1131. Forty-fifth Bee. ment, eldest son of Colonel Gordon, late of the Fifth Dragoon Guards; to Ellen Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. John Wollocombe. Rector of Stowford, Devon. On the 14th, at Hellingly, the Rev. Robert Shuttleworth Sutton, Rector of Rype, and late Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, to Henrietta, only surviving child otthe late Thomas Woodward, Esq., of Highlands. Sussex. On the 14th, at St. David's Church, Exeter, Charles Barry, Esq., eldest son of Sir Charles Barry, HA., to Harriett Pittman, youngest daughter of Thomas May, Esq., of Northernhay, Exeter.
On the 19th, at St. James's, Poole, David Greenhill Anderson, Lieutenant in the Bombay Artillery, third son of Sir George NV. Anderson. K.C.B.' to Frances Maly, only surviving daughter of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Mundy Wood, Se- cretary to the Bombay Government. .
On the 19th, at Forglen House, county of Banff, Alexander Henry Abercrombie Hamilton, Esq., second surviving son of the deceased Alexander Hamilton Hamil- ton. Esq., of the Retreat, Topsham, Devonshire, to Sophia Anne Adelaide, fifth sur- viving daughter of Sir Robert Abercromby, Bart., of Biskenhoe and Forglen, Banfr- shire.
On the 14th Tuly, at Lahore, Philip Melvin, Esq., of the Bengal Civil Service, Se- cretary to the Government of the Punjab, eldest sou of sir James Cosmo.31elviU, K.C.B.; in his 37th year. .
On the 27th August, at his residence, in the Vatican, Borne, Chevalier Camillo Pistrucci, one of the Sculptors of the Vatican Museum, and eldest surviving son of Benedetto Pistrucci, Esq., her Majesty's Chief Medallist, and late of the Royal Mist; in his 44th year. On the 3d September, at Varna Bay, Lieutenant-Colonel the lion. Robert Boyle, M.P., Coldstream Guards, second surviving son of the Earl of Cork and Orrery.
On the 14th, at Stapleton Rectory, Shropshire, the lion. and Rev. E. R. B. Field- ing. On the 14th, in Portman Square, Mary, the le of Sir W. P. de Bathe, Bart.
On the 14th,. at Granton, the Hon. Mrs. Mo ay Stirling, widow of the late Wil- liam Moray Burling, Req., of Abereairny and A och, Perthabire. •
wife of
the 15th, Colonel John Newbery, of Herefor „Street ; in his 81st year. On the 16th, at the Government House, Royal Military College, Sandhurst, Lady Score', wife of Sir George Scovell, K.C.B.; in ber Hat year. , On the 16th, the Rev. Samuel Flood Page, Incumbent of St. Paul's, Preston, Lan- cashire; in his 58th year.
On the 17th, at Kilravock Castle, Nairn, N.B., after a few 'days' illness, Thomas Lewin, Esq., eldest son of the late Thomas Lewin, Esq., of the Mollies, Bexley, Kent; in his 67th year.
On the 17th, in Brunswick Square, Brighton, Lieutenant-Colonel Newbery ; in his 64th year. On the 18th, at Elsenham Hall, Essex, George William Bush, Esq., of Farthing- hoe Lodge, Northamptonshire. . On the 18th, at Dover, Lady Macdonald, Widow of the late Lieutenant-General Sir John Macdonald, G.C.B.' . On the 19th, in Gloucester Square, Hyde Park, Lieutenant-General the Right Hon. Sir George Arthur, Bart., K.C.H. and D.C.L., Colonel of 1.1.M.'s Fiftieth Re- giment; in his 71st year.
On the 19th, at Bath, Georgiana Frances Ommaney, widow of Sir Francis Moll - neux Ommaney, Kt., of East Sheen, Surrey; in her 78th year. Lately, at the Rectory House, Southfieet, the itev. George Edward Murray, eldest son of the Lord Bishop of Rochester.