A return produced on the motion of Mr. Cardwell unfolds a number of useful details connected with the financial condition of railways. The amount of capital and loan, the share capital actually paid up, the amount entitled to preferences, the interest payable on loans, are all exhibited ; and details as to length of line and other points connected with the re- spective undertakings are added. As specimens of the information con- veyed* the following selection is made.
Capital and Loan author- Ized up to Ms Dec. ISM. Notentitled to Prefer- Entitled to Pre- ferenee, aninite per cent, Debt and Interest, per cent. Length ofLine open.
E 2
. Miles.
Caledonian ..... 9,699,475 3,1.50,552 745,180 4 1-5 .201,362 3 189 (Actually raised) 7,632,981
156,355 8 466,956 44
449,800 41-5 53,000. 41
499,711 24-5 781,007 4
149,819 5 464,236 34
'240,000 7 7-20
150,000 41-5
123;000 31
EasteetiCounties 13,416,266 5,830,714 1,920,259 5 2,000 3 191
(Actually raised) 0,739,469 .
618,310 6 40,000 31
188,636 34
219,100 34
387,650 4
122,700 41
232,600 .44
176,500 5
Great North' ern.
10,724,466 4,808,438 1,299,770 5 964,490.5 , 236 (Actually raised) 10,090,073 - 750,000 5
723,395 44
764,189 4i 12,000 41
-384;423 4
433,370 34
Great Western.. 21,099,332 8,162,410 448,525 3f 100,000 3
(Actually raised 19,309,000 ' ' ' 3,359;314 4 931,207 54
80,000 44 243,200 31
1,875,437 44. 2,299,947 4 5,500 441. -
14,500 41
456,802 5
409,843 4
London a. nd
710,895 5
North-Western. 38,734,939 21,607,157
270,000 5 1,039,567 .5- 520.
(Actually 7°140) o/ .,f s: . ..,!3414,850 ■■-..q. .•
, 396,530 31 277,500 4
37,350 4
..f -•.q 15 e to .,.. ..: .1qi (..ZI
!u4I* .'
3,119,150 4 1,627,260 si ■ '...o ..i - Lt. ai '40 .■ fe• .el t1' t
• b
, ,i1U, 1 ..
2,060900 8
557;450 s 4e
220,300 9 '
The aggregate,cif,the Eailway .ftintereat7 140,41i.iee
31st December 1853, was-Capita and Loin authOrized,') 366, 69,7384; (actually raised,) 273,324,5161. Leagth vf.ltailways open, 7686 miles. •
The amount of preferential stock (48,527,37w.) was equal to 20 per cent of the whole capital actually raised by shares. The inoney borrowed amounted to 65,072,958/.
Comparatively few of the companies were availing themeelves of their Parliamentary powers to construct additions to their lines.. Under con- struction in December were 883 miles ; Whilst power tektonstruct 4979 - -miles more was lying down at that date. Powers for the compulsory. purchase of land seffieient for the construction of 2641 miles had been allowed to expire. •