"Vienna, Friday, Sept. 22.—From Russian sources I learn that the Russians did not oppose the landing of the English and French troops, because their entire force in the Crimea numbers only 38,000 men, besides the garrison of Sebastopol, 12,000 strong—viz. 8000 cavalry between Eupatoria and Simfero- pol, and on the heights from St. Crimea to Sebastopol 30,000 men and 48 guns. The Russians will defend their heights to the uttermost. "The Austrian Government sent a despatch yesterday to Baron Hess or- dering him to concede the occupation of Galatz and Ibraila to the Turks, if Omar Pasha desired it. Thus all differences are handsomely settled."
"Jassy, September 18.—Prince Gortsehakoff left on the 16th for Skulani. Jassy is completely evacuated. The bridge over the Pruth is to be removed tomorrow."
" Dantzic, Thursday.—On the receipt of despatches all the Admirals met on board the Duke of Wellington. Sweaborg and Cronstadt are not to be attacked. The French Admirals and French fleet sailed for France on Tues- day. The Austerlitz got ashore, threw twenty-one guns overboard, and got off without damage. The Bulldog has arrived."
"Faris, Friday Eveniny.—Advices from Madrid of the 18th state that the Government had published an order forbidding any other than electors to take part in election meetings, and limiting their discussions to electoral matters."
"Madrid, Sept. 19.—The Deputies expected to be returned by the capital are San Miguel, Duke Seviliano, Merino, and Serano. Serious disturbances have taken place at Antiqueros; where the working men have destroyed all the machinery."
The Norwegian Storthing was officially closed by the King of Sweden on the 13th instant. The incidents of the session were—the vote of 3,556,000 Reichbank thalers ; the petition of the Storthing for the aboli- tion of the office of Statthalter of Norway ; and the breaking out of a misunderstanding between the Norwegian Government and Russia. It seems the Russians have denied to some Norwegian Laps a right of pasturage for their reindeer, long enjoyed by them on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, In his closing message, King Oscar, while acknowledging that the money-votes of the Storthing have been ample, regrets that the sums he desired have not been granted "for the necessary development of our system of defence in its entire extent."
The Government of Sweden has applied to the Diet for an addition to *a Credit of 2,500,000 thalami balm which was voted IA February last.
The ostensible object of this additional credit is "the better maintenance of neutrality."