23 SEPTEMBER 1865, Page 23

The Collected Writings of _Edward Irving. Edited by his Nephew,

Rev. G. Carlyle. Vol. V. (Strahan.)—In this volume we have six very lengthy sermons on the doctrine of the "Incarnation," and two on the " Church " and the "Supernatural Gifts of the Holy Ghost." The former have reference to a controvesy which, it seems, led to Irving's removal from the Church of Scotland, as to the exact nature of the body of Christ. The point at issue was whether Christ's flesh had the grace of sinleasness and incorruption from its proper nature or from the in- dwelling of the Holy Ghost. His adversaries maintained the former, he the latter, position. He considers the point of vital importance, and explains his view with his usual eloquence ; bat it is scarcely one of the controversies of our day, and what he says will be only found indirectly interesting, as interspersed with the thoughts of a man of genius. The sermons on the "Church" and the "Tongues" set forth the well-known peculiarities of his system. This, it seems, was to have been the last volume, but a supplementary one will be issued, in compliance with a general desire, containing extracts from the prophetical writings.