- Mr. - Baring's Report on the atrocities in the sandjak of
Philip- popolis was published on Tuesday, and we have described else- where its character, and dwelt on the lessons which it teaches. We -may add that his estimate of the massacres as 12,000 in -number is limited only to the one -district we have named, and reports received this week from other distriets,—from -that of Sofia, for example,—show that fearful atrocities of likelitid Mid -nature have gone on elsewhere • also, though pro- bablyin-to'tiiatriet so extensively as in that visited by Mr.- Bating. Thu Daily Telegraph published on Tuesday letters dated Sofia, Angest.17, 'from •sources which it declared to be highly trust- Wiattliy, &Mg a frightful account of just such atrocities -as the very worst authenticated by Mr. Baring. And indeed, there cari be no doubt that 'what Mr. Bating has attested are but a specimen,—though, we hope, the worst,--of what was happening 911 terer Bulgaria. The letters from Sofia especially 'attest the etneplete indifference of the Turkish authorities to the crimes which 'Were 'being committed, where they did not join in coin- Milting them.