Another outburst of the race-hatred in the Southern States has
-occurred in South Carolina. The immediate cause of the riot was an outrage committed by two negroes on a white woman. The ruffians deserved exemplary punishment, but its infliction -clearly ought to have been left to the constituted authorities. Instead of that, the Whites took the execution of justice into their own hands and killed one of the Negroes. Thereupon a band of negroes, fearing or affecting to fear a massacre, assembled in arms for mutual defence. A fight took place between them and the Whites on Sunday, when two of the latter and six negroes were killed, several others on both sides having been wounded. Governor Chamberlain appears to have acted with promptitude and energy. He sent troops immediately to the spot in such force as at once to restore order. It is to be hoped he will follow up this good beginning by rigorously prosecuting and punishing the rioters on both sides. If he doee not, the pending Presidential contest will be likely to convulse the State. The Whites are hopelessly outnumbered, but in their present temper they may attempt to carry the election by intimidation.