Sir Garnet Wolseley has given the Khedive a guard of
Bengal cavalry. He is right, and will be right if he takes very rigorous, or even excessive, precautions for Tewfik's safety Egypt is not fanatical, but there are a good many fanatics in Egypt, and they must hate the Khedive very hard. Moreover, it is the weak point of our position and of the whole situation that Tewfik's life is a great deal too important. His death would make a frightful confusion, and might compel us to appoint an English Regent for his son. Our " moderate " plans would not be worth much, if a Mussulman Prince of the regular type mounted the throne ; and in Constantinople, while they are shrewd enough to see that, they are not over-burdened with scruples. The British Government will be wise for six months to watch over Tewfik as European Sovereigns are now watched over, and to secure native Indian aid in doing it. The Indians can be trusted, and they are capable of sleepless precautions such as no European would keep up for a week together.