The latest news from Bucharest is to the effect that,
except at one point, the advanced positions in Transylvania are well held in spite of the efforts of the enemy to counter-attack. In the Dobrudja, we are told, the enemy twice attacked last Sunday night in the direction of Enigea, south-west of Cobadinu, but were repulsed. Enigea is nineteen miles south of the railway from the Danube to Constanza,. This check to the enemy may be said to be the initial action along the new front running east and west described by us in our first leading article. We may add here that we are not only convinced of the wisdom of the Rumanian strategy, but also feel sure that the alleged losses of the Rumanians in the Dobrudja have been grossly exaggerated. The desperate gamble which we see in the Dobrudja may suit the Germans, but if things go wrong in the end, as they are almost certain to go, the Bulgarians will pay an appalling penalty.