23 SEPTEMBER 1916, Page 2

We have not the least desire to disparage Mr. Churchill's

title, but we are bound to say that literally thousands of people thought of the idea of charging the trenches with heavy motors of the pedreil type—i.e., caterpillars. It was in every sense an idea " to let." As is always the way in such matters, however, it was the working-out of the idea which mattered, and this, we understand, was entirely due to that most able engineer and distinguished man of letters, Colonel Swinton, R.E. Colonel Swinton of course had the help of many able colleagues, and the Munitions Department generally and its chief must share the credit of bringing the idea to fruition. The main point, however, just now is not to distribute laurels, but to keep the tanks at work and to make good the casualties. We want to see tanks upon tanks arise.