A National Lake District ?
Mr. Norman Birkett, K.C., opening an exhibition arranged by the Friends of the Lake District, rightly insisted that any suggestion to make the Lake District a national park must mean preserving it in its present con- dition. State action is badly needed to support the admirable work of the voluntary societies. A National Park Commission set up by Parliament and endowed with statutory powers could tackle the fundamental problems of finance and road- building which ought not to be left entirely to the local authorities. At present only the voluntary societies organise opposition to any steps which threaten to destroy the beauty of the district. The proposal which the Central Electricity Board have brought forward for bringing a 33,000-volt cable on pylons through the Vale of Keswick shows the need for powers to preserve the dales unspoiled, and it is to be hoped that the Cockermouth Rural District Council's objection will be strongly supported.
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