The right to life
Sir: Colin Brewer writes (Letters, 9 September:) 'Unless Mrs Scarisbrick and those like her can overcome this massive public indifference, to which the lack of correspondence following my article testifies, then she has lost the moral argument for abortion'. One is grateful for the revelation that morality is a function of public opinion and that the ultimate arbiters on matters of faith and morals are Dr Gallup and Mr Ore. I considered replying to Mr Brewer's article but the only options were a long article refuting his fallacies in detail and the simple statement, 'This man is talking twaddle'. I have declared, am declaring, and will declare that the same continuum argument, which leads those who believe in the sanctity of human life to oppose abortion on demand, also condemns abortifacient devices.
J. Alan Smith 83 Ferguson Avenue, Romford