The result of the trial of M. Bernard caused the market for English Se- curities to open on Monday morning with considerable dulness. Intelligence of lower prices on the Paris Bourse being telegraphed during the day, stocks continued heavy until after the official close, when a rally of 1 per cent oc- curred. The business of the week, although of an unimportant character' has nevertheless been more active than for some time ; there is an extraor-
dinars, abundance of unemployed capita; the rate for money being about 1 per cent ; at the Bank there has been no increase in the demand for accom- modation, but the Directors have not yet decided upon a reduction of the present rate. The Budget was very favourably received, and indeed but for the 'messy feeling produced) by the Bernard cane, everything seems calcu- lated to lead to higher values and better markets,' there have been some most important arrivals of specie during the week. The extreme tinctuation since Monday does not exceed I per cent. Consols were first quoted 964 I, and close today 964 97. Exchequer Bills rather flat, 338. 37s. -Bank Stock,
220 ie D222. Toreign Stock Market has been perfectly inactive throughout the
week, very little business of any kir+a being transacted; Stocks are upon the whole at much about the same prices. Venezuela have advanced 14 per cent. Sardinian is quoted flatter, that stock now ruling at 89 90, the d iffi- conies with Naples creating some uneasiness. Mexican leaves off 20 201 ; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Conk, 8182; Peruvian Three per Cent, 56 57; Turkish Six per Cent, 974 97}; Ditto Four per Cent, 104 104i ; Russian Five per Cent, 110 1i2 ; Buenos Ayres, 70 80; Spanish Three per Cent, 434 444 ; Ditto DeferrW2,6k 27.; Venezuela, 34f 35k. An average business has been done in English Railway Shares, but al- though the variations have occasionally been more than 1 per cent, the last prices this afternoon show little change upon those of Saturday. The leading lines close as fellews—Midiand, 92 924; Great Western, 664 561 ; London and North-Western, 934 94 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 89 894 ; London and South-Western, 46 464; North British, 521 53; Caledonian, 424 424 ; London and Brighton, 105'106 ; South-Eastern 21 24; Eastern Counties, 114 4; Great Northern, 25125i. The markets have exhibited dulness all day. In the French Market there is nothing to remark ; prices flat. Paris and Lyons, 314 32; Paris and Strasbourg, 274 274; Northern of France, 374 374. Indian Shares are steady, but with little (Wog in them.
Uri/Ross, TwEvez o'Creca.
The Markets have opened considerable advance upon Railway Shares are about business being done, goad all last night's 4 per cent better. round, and in some instances values. Consols are 97 There is an average amount at a sellers.
3 per Cent Consols
Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced New 3 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock
Exchequer Bills
India Stock Austrian 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Cents
Belgian 44 per Cents Chiliad 6 per Cents
Danish 5 per Cents Danish 3 per Cents
961 97 96 97
9: 95/ 95 MI
la 11-1
220 222 33 38 220 223 91 94 100 102
99 101 log 104
101 103 82.84
putch 24 per Cents
Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 44 per Cents
Ditto 3 per Cents
Portuguese 3 per Cents 1863 Russian 5 per Cents pe Ditto 44 r Cents Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Swedish 4 per Cents Turkish 6 per Cents
Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed
654 66/
98 99 20 20/ 81 83 55 57 45 46 110 112 100 441042
26/ 261 90 92 81 84 974 98 104 1044
BANX OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, rap. 82, for the week ending on Wednesday the 21st day of April 1858. 16805 ners.s.ratracv. Notes issued 32,273,405 I Government Debt .£11,015,108
Other Securities 3.469,900
Gold Coke null Bunion 17,7913,405
Silver Bullion
.C82,273,481 I 02,273,405
Proprietors' Capital E14,553,000 Government Securities (lads-
Best 8,165,560 ding Deed WeightAnnulty). £9,869,853 Public Deposits' 8,324,285 Other Securities 15,515,090 Other Deposits 16,007,987 Notes 11,755,376 Seven Days and other Bills... 875,458 Gold and Silver Coin 785,978 .C37,938,298 l 437,925,298 • Including Exoliequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Acct.
Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard. F.? 17
Mexican Dollars 0 4 River in Bars, Standard 0 5 or.
9 115 15 METALS. Per Copper, Brit. Cakes £117 0 Iron, Welsh Bars.... 8 10 Lead, Oritiab Pig 25 0 Steel, Swedish Keg.. 22 0 ton.
0 .. 0 0 .. 7 0 .. 2b 0 .. 0 0 0 10 0
5 8
0 0
A dividend at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, with a bonus of 10s. per share, was declared at the meeting of the proprietors of the Agra and United Service Bank on Saturday. It was stated that the business of the bank had made satisfactory progress, spite of the Indian mutiny.
At a meeting of the shareholders of the Eastern Steam Navigation Com- pany, on Saturday, a resolution was passed authorizing the Directors to raise 220,000/. of new capital. It was stated that the Leviathan was calcu- lated to cost, when quite complete, 804,5221., or 341. per ton. She is ex- Peeted to he ready for sea in the autumn.
At the meeting of the Royal Mail Steam Company, on Wednesday, a divi- dend of 21. per share and a bonus of 11. were declared. A. resolution was passed against the proposed amalgamation with the European and Austra- lian Company, it having been discovered that the affairs of that Company are in a much worse position than was at first believed.
Messrs. Robert Browne and Co., a firm in the Australian trade, stopped payment on Saturday : liabilities, from 30,0001. to 40,0001. A resumption of business, however, is expected.
It was stated in the Court of Bankruptcy, on Monday, that the debts of the Blandford Bank—Messrs. Oak and Snow—are 48,7921., and the assets, 18,2671.
It appears that the affairs of Messrs. Maitland, Ewing, and Co., who stopped for 164,3991., are in so favourable a state that the creditors will not only be paid in full, but there will be a surplus of 28,6601.
The corn-market experienced another fall on Monday, of 28.
Baron Simon de Bina, banker of Vienna, has notified by circular his with- drawal from the house bearing his name, which will henceforth be carried on by Baron John de Sine, brother of the late Baron George.