23 APRIL 1942, Page 12


Siat,—I am wholly in favour of Sir Robert Greig's plea for the aboliti of titles. But there are two points in his letter which I think call comment. The first is that he does not make sufficient allowance English snobbery. The only royal road to the abolition of titles is abolition of snobbery, and this is supremely difficult, as snobbery fixedly exalted to the status of a religion in the minds of very Ism English men and most English women. The second is that in his star ment " we are no longer a feudal society " he is almost ludicrous' mistaken. Believe me, Sir, many a country parson and many a coon labourer could easily bring abundant and devastating evidence thorou to undeceive Sir Robert about that!—Yours, &c., A Bourv.nisii2 CtruATE.