24 APRIL 1971, Page 24


Sir: One of the arguments put for- ward against vasectomy as a method of birth control for younger husbands, is that, as it must be regarded as an irreversible oper- ation, it precludes the couple from having another child should any- thing happen to any of the existing children; or, should the wife die (or there should be a divorce) and the husband wished to remarry, he would be unable to help his new wife to fulfil her instinct for motherhood.

These are very serious consider- ations, but both could be met, I suggest, if, before the husband underwent the operation, he depos- ited a quantity of his semen in a sperm-bank set up for the purpose. If the couple later decided to have another child, or the man wished to become a father in a second marriage, the semen from this re- serve could be used for the arti- ficial insemination of the partner.

Since this would be Allf (artificial insemination by husband) no moral or legal stricture would apply.

Ashford, Kent Robert Chartham